The Art of Grieving



My personal project titled The Art of Grieving is a poignant visual project delving into the depths of grief after my father’s sudden and untimely passing on the 3rd of April 2022. This artistic endeavour encapsulates the essence of mourning, painting a wild tapestry of emotions and experiences

Grief is a complex emotion that can cause pain, trauma, and countless transformations. Through various artistic expressions and mediums – photography, moving images, text fragments, writings, paintings, and mixed media, my aim is to capture the raw and vulnerable essence of grief. This project aims to foster empathy, understanding, and healing for those who have experienced grief. The power of art to transcend pain and connect us in our shared humanity is a testament to the resilience of the human spirit and the transformative capabilities of creativity.

Grief is unexplainable painful, so suffocating and traumatising. It changes one in so many ways! You wake up everyday and have to actively deal with grief

For me, Grief is not one emotion! Grief is pain, sorrow, sadness, tough, ugly, trauma, confusion, numbness, shock. You are carrying an absence, an emptiness that is now part of your life. 

This ongoing project aims to encourage openness and conversation about loss, bereavement and death



                                                     COMING SOON . . . . 



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