Sis 2021


SIS 2021 is a visual series that explores the art of mental health associated with post lockdown unease and anxiety through the medium of photography, mixed media and film. The impact of coronavirus (covid-19) outbreak, variants of coronavirus and lockdowns has had a huge toll on our mental health and wellbeing causing us to feel anxious, stressed, worried and depressed.

Reactions and emotions vary from person to person. It is important to remember that whatever you may be feeling right now is absolutely valid and that you are not alone.

In this context “Sis is everyone! Sis is all of us at this unprecedented times”

It has been a difficult period and has become a hugely significant moment in time. This project is a record of post lockdown emotions and explores the art of mental health associated with anxiety, unease, mood, worry and the effect on our mental health/wellbeing.







FOR WAYS TO LOOK AFTER YOUR MENTAL HEALTH please check out Coronavirus Advice Hub on Mental Health Org UK

The pandemic is affecting us all. If you are struggling to cope with your mental health, NHS Talking Therapies can help. Your GP can refer you or you can refer yourself online.

There is a list of mental health charities, organisations and support groups that can offer expert advice which can be found HERE

Also there are tips and information that can help improve your mood and ease depression on HelpGuide.Org

If you are struggling to cope, feeling overwhelmed, anxious or exhausted, you are not alone. Contact Shout on 85258, its UK first free confidential, 24/7 text support service. Its free on all mobile networks.

Samaritans also provides confidential, non judgemental emotional support for people experiencing feelings of distress or despair including those that can lead to suicide. You can phone, email, write a letter or in most cases talk to someone face to face. Call 116 123 (24 hours a day, free to call)

Listening to music also boosts our mental health and our mood! It leaves a major impact on each one of us. It can reduce stress, improve our health and overall well-being. Music is an essential part of human existence.

I have put together a Spotify playlist of jams for you to enjoy. We’re all in need of some fun and positivity right now and I hope these tunes will be just what you need. Whether you’re searching for a song to help soothe you or make you smile, SIS 2021 POST LOCKDOWN PLAYLIST has it all – a song for every mood, worry and emotion. It’s the perfect playlist  to your social distancing and post lockdown unease/anxiety 



Enjoy “Jam Now, Slimmer Down” by Blinky Bill, Ossie. A song for family and friends in these crazy times.


“Astoria” a contemporary jazz music by Steve Laury. There is overwhelming evidence and research that the relaxing effect of Jazz music can have incredible healing influence. Some of the health benefits of listening to Jazz music are – as a stress relief, improves your mood or relieve feelings of depression, causes the strongest brain response and dopamine release etc 


Prayers and Affirmations  are useful for our mental health especially in this current and post pandemic unease/reality. Negative thoughts contribute to anxiety, depression, fear and many other emotional symptoms, as well as having an adverse impact on your immune system. “The Morning Guided meditation with positive affirmations” video below by Pura Rasa can help you start your day in a very positive way. It will allow you to reach a calm state with a flare of confidence. 



BE WELL AND STAY SAFE. I wish you good health during this time. Here’s to a new year of exciting things

Love and Light

Chin We



*images/photography from SIS 2021 project is available to buy from PICFAIR STORE* 


The images on the site are protected by Copyright.